Worldschooling is an educational term many families use who incorporate travel and learning from other cultures into their schooling and family experiences. To us, worldschooling is more than studying another culture or taking a trip – it’s using a world lens through which to view learning – it’s consistently reaching for a better understanding of …
Travel Zoom Info Sessions
We will hold online information sessions about our group travel model and our upcoming worldschooling adventures. Schedule a time that’s convenient for you to join us virtually via Zoom. We can directly share lots of information and answer your questions. Register here. Maybe you are intrigued by the idea of Worldschooling as an extension of …
Fall Workshops
In our fall series of creative/instructional online workshops, small groups will explore performing and creative arts, language arts, history, cultures, social justice, science, and Spanish. Workshops are designed with the belief that when kids are creating, curious, and collaborating, learning is joyful! More About Our Workshop Approach Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Environmental Justice FULL11-12 …
Travel + School: Are Both Possible?
Peru trip registration here. BIG news in my (Melissa’s) travel world. A little background first: My oldest daughter started high school this year after homeschooling/worldschooling for four years. How I loved traveling with this kid during those years! She soaks it in, she laps it up, she tries it all, she’s my trusty travel assistant …